It can be really frustrating to discover gorgeous pieces for your home, but find they’re from different ranges, or different in style to your existing furniture. We’ve all been taught that matching furniture gives a clean and consistent look to your home. In reality, introducing new and different pieces can give your space depth, uniqueness and a bespoke feel.

Oak Furnitureland pieces were built with versatility in mind, so that they integrate fantastically with different ranges and existing furniture, no matter the look of your home. Their same but different qualities blend seamlessly together to create a refined finish in any room.

Our ranges were all created to work together, but to give you some blending ideas, here are some of our favourites.

Hove meets Romsey

The Hove range is known for its clean and modern chalk white finish, and beautifully warm natural oak tops. So how can it complement the full natural solid oak finish of the Romsey range?

Hove bedside table

Hove bedside table

The minimalist silhouettes are a beautiful reflection of one another. The simple curved edges of both ranges, contrasted with the clean cut flat-fronted drawers and recessed handles make for the perfect pair.

The Scandi profiles of both the Hove and Romsey ranges give the blend an unfussy feel, and provides a blank canvas for any decor, in any room of the home.

These ranges work beautifully together to create a modern yet timeless look, so that you can love this combination for years to come.

Romsey bedside table

Romsey bedside table

East Coast blend: Boston and Brooklyn

The accented metal frames of both the Boston and Brooklyn ranges make them an undeniable duo. The striking industrial frame of the Brooklyn, and Boston’s nod to the industrial style with its galvanised metal sleigh legs and handles, gives the combination a beautiful East Coast loft feel.

Boston coffee table

Boston coffee table

Their angular silhouettes and clean finish give the ranges a perfect pared back feel, ready to customise with plants and accessories, or left dressed down for a more accented minimalist touch. They work beautifully together, but are also fantastically teamed with other styles to create either a sleek, chic finish, or stand out piece against a more country cottage feel.

Brooklyn Coffee Table

Brooklyn coffee table

So, which items work best together? These pieces beautifully complement each other in every room of the home, giving a clean and contemporary style. We recommend pairing the open-framed Brooklyn bed with the slick Boston bedside table, for a warm warehouse feel in your bedroom.

You should now have more of an idea of how to mix and match pieces in your home. The timeless painted colours and wood shades make all Oak Furnitureland pieces beautifully versatile, and blend beautifully with all styles of furniture and different colourways. Have any perfect pairs in your home? Share them with us over on Instagram.