Oak Double Bed and painted bedside table
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Smart Bedroom Storage Ideas

Does your main bedroom become a bit of a dumping ground? It should be a place of calm and peace; a haven to which you can escape after a long, hard day. Very often though, as in my case, it becomes the place where things get left, piled and abandoned. In a family home, it's often a space that the whole family share, particularly when the children are younger, and so it fills up with laundry, paperwork, toys, shopping purchases, clutter and just 'stuff'. Would you love to be able to clear the clutter, and find a home for all those bits that hang around for weeks? Well, what you need is some clever storage ideas, and it just so happens, we have exactly that.
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Decorating with grey

It might be Spring and the pages of magazines are awash with pastels and colour, flowers are everywhere and the sun gives everything a vibrant hue, but that doesn't mean that colour is necessarily to everybody's taste. I myself am not the most colourful person when it comes to interiors, so I do know a thing or two about how to make neutrals work and grey in particular. Grey is a sophisticated and calm colour (even if it isn't really a colour as such and sits somewhere between black and white) which lends a touch of elegance to a room. It is the perfect background colour as doesn't draw much attention to itself - unless you decide to paint a whole room in a very dark grey which would make quite an impact.
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How to Create a Focal Point in a Room

Creating or making best use of a focal point is really important when you're designing your room scheme. A focal point is one specific feature within the design, that draws the eye towards it. It stands out and says, 'look at me' and you can't help but see it. Often it's an existing feature within the room, like a fireplace or stunning bay window, but often we need to create our own focal points from key furniture items, soft furnishings or accessories. Once you get the hang of it, it's really easy to do, and you'll find yourself naturally doing it as part of your interior decor.
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Add some boho touches to your home

Spring, summer, longer days, sunshine, holidays… Wishing we could just leave our day jobs and spend our days travelling, tending to our gardens and enjoy long dinners and chats with friends. Yes, it would be nice to have that kind of lifestyle, wouldn't it? Unfortunately, as so often, completely changing our lives is not always possible, but what can be done is to bring a little bit of the style into our homes.
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10 Ways to Upcycle Wooden Pallets

Why would you want to upcycle an old wooden pallet, I hear you ask? Well, this craze has taken Pinterest by storm, and there are many people showcasing their amazing home accessories, all made out of old wooden pallets. If you're a fan of upcycling (using old items and turning them into something gorgeous) then this news won't come as a surprise to you. But if you're new to the upcycling trend, read on to discover how to update your home with the humble wooden pallet.
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