Doesn’t Christmas already feel like a distant memory? The skies are grey, the credit card bill is high and January feels like the longest month of the year! Plus, news reports have us believing that the third Monday of the month is the gloomiest day of the year, when we will be feeling incredibly dreary and ‘blue’.

So, how can we lift ourselves out of the fog? How can we lighten the mood, and beat the January blues this year? Here are some ideas to help you have a positive and happy start to 2023.

Ditch the diet

Unsplash | Brooke Lark

While many of us make diet-related new year’s resolutions, it’s well known that they are incredibly hard to stick to and by February many of us will have fallen off the wagon or ditched the diet in favour of a glass of wine and our favourite take away. So why put yourself under that pressure? Instead of setting unrealistic food goals, maybe think about trying to cook a new healthy recipe a week, start meal planning to avoid food waste, buddy up with a friend to share recipe ideas or learn a new skill in the kitchen.

Energise yourself

Unsplash | Paul Green

Whether you’ve vowed to go to the gym or take up running, getting more exercise is definitely one of the most popular new year’s resolutions. But, it can be all to easy to go overboard in the first few weeks and then lose interest. One of the best ways to renew your fitness mojo is to take up an activity that you actually enjoy, be it yoga, swimming, cycling or even just a walk in the fresh air.

Getting outdoors and doing a little exercise is a great way to fight that glum feeling. With sunshine levels at their lowest in January, it’s all too easy to stay indoors, snuggled on the sofa watching your favourite box set. Outside it can be cold, wet and windy (and sometimes even snowy) but a brisk walk can clear the mind and reduce your stress levels.

Update your furniture

Parquet chest of drawers | @atnumberfourteen

Whether you struggled for seating with extra guests over the Christmas period or decided that your dining table is definitely too small, then perhaps it’s time to think about upgrading your furniture? As we spend more and more times in our homes, and now use them as multipurpose spaces, January is a great time to think about how you can make your space work for you and your family for the year ahead. If you’re struggling for ideas, check out our Pinterest for lots of inspiration that will hep you find the looks you love.

Plan a holiday

Unsplash | Angelo Pantazis

Okay, so maybe you still have a few bills to pay following your Christmas spending, but there’s no harm in looking for a holiday! Get yourself online and start dreaming, even if it’s for much later in the year. More than anything it gives your mind focus – something that many of us lack at this time of the year – and helps you look forward rather than dwelling on the current. Better still, if funds allow, get yourself off for a local break with the family to really blow away the January cobwebs!

Do some DIY

Rawpixel |

It may not sound too exciting, but why not plan some decorating, do a room redesign or go large, and plan a whole renovation? You don’t necessarily have to pick up the paintbrush this month, although the activity and focus would be good, but making plans and looking forward with ideas for later in the year is a great way to lift your mood. And you never know, this could be the time you come up with your best work!

Take up a hobby

UnsplashJosh Hild

Rather than making January about giving things up, why not make it the time to take up a hobby or learn a new skill? Perhaps you’ve always wanted to learn a new language, teach yourself piano, knit or code. Focusing your mind on something fun and creative will definitely help you feel brighter about the time of year.

January is a great month for all kinds of reasons. After the hustle and bustle of Christmas it gives us an opportunity to reflect and plan for the coming year. Hopefully our suggestions will give you some ideas to keep the January blues at bay, and, with a little determination you can find pleasure in the dreariest of days!

Do you have any tips for staying cheery when the weather’s gloomy? Let us know on Instagram. We’d love to hear from you!